smartCQ Project Site

Welcome to the smartCQ project site!

This site and the system is under construction. A final version will be published soon.

smartCQ is a web application for bounded continuous search queries (BCSQ). These are continuous search queries, whereas you define the number of notifications about search results, you are willing to accept.
smartCQ will handle your (BCSQ) and will notify you immediatly after new relevant information for your search has appeared.

The beta version of the system can be found here!
Please feel free to test the system!
Known Bugs/ Open Work

  • Language translation to English is still in progress.
  • Due to copyright issues, email notification and web archive are disabled.
  • Online Help is not available yet. For a detailed description of the BCSQ methods please have a look at our publication site (Paper WWW07 and WISE07).

Need more formation about smartCQ? Please contact Nils Höller.

smartCQ: Used Websites for Method Evaluation WISE'07