Semantic Web Layer for NebulaStream

- Bachelor-/Masterarbeit -


The Internet of Things (IoT) features physical objects (equipped with sensors and some processing capabilities) that are connected and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defined the languages for e.g. its data format (RDF), queries (SPARQL), ontologies (RDF Schema and OWL) and rules (RIF) of the Semantic Web for enabling a data machine-readable web.

We have developed the LUPOSDATE3000 Semantic Web database management system (presentation, paper) in our institute.

The DIMA group at TU Berlin and the DFKI IAM group are currently developing NebulaStream for data management in IoT scenarios.

The goal of this thesis is to develop a rudimentary Semantic Web stack on top of NebulaStream by integrating the data distribution schemes of LUPOSDATE3000 into NebulaStream and transforming SPARQL query execution plans generated by LUPOSDATE3000 into execution plans of NebulaStream. A comprehensive experimental evaluation is expected to be part of the thesis.

This thesis will be jointly supervised by Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe (formal supervision) and members of the DIMA group in Berlin (informal supervision).

Databases, Query Evaluation, Semantic Web, SPARQL, C/C++, Kotlin


Prof. Dr. rer.nat. habil. Sven Groppe

Institut für Informationssysteme
Ratzeburger Allee 160 ( Gebäude 64 - 2. OG)
23562 Lübeck
Telefon: 0451 / 3101 5706