Studien-/ Bachelorarbeit am Institut für Informationssysteme

Evaluation of persistence solutions for J2ME on mobile phones

(Eine Bewertung der Persistenzlösungen für J2ME auf Mobiltelefonen)
J2ME applications often need to store their data locally to enable working in offline mode. Several approaches are possible for persistent storage of data on a mobile phone: using the file system, record store, special database manamegent systems etc. When developing a J2ME application one needs to decide how local data storage should be achieved. The criteria for selecting a persistence solution differ greatly from application to application: sometimes performance is important, in other cases it is important to store as much data as possible; some applications need to update data frequently, others rarely update the data on the device etc.

The thesis intends to provide a guidance for selecting the suitable persistence solution for diferent types of J2ME applications. The main objective of the thesis is to investigate different persistence solutions for J2ME applications on mobile phones. The advantages and shortcommings of the different solutions are to be evaluated and compared. By means of suitable programs the student must compare different aspects of the available solutions: performance, updatability, ease of development, support for synchronisation etc.

Fähigkeit und Wille zum selbständigen Arbeiten
Erfahrungen in Java
J2ME-Kenntnisse wünschenswert
Simeon Fumtim

Die Ausarbeitung (wurde in englisch verfasst) kann im Institut für Informationssysteme angefordert werden.

Ho Ngoc Duc
Institut für Informationssysteme
Ratzeburger Allee 160 ( Gebäude 64 - 2. OG)
Raum 2065
23538 Lübeck
Telefon: 0451/500 5706
19.10.2005 webmaster