Tutorial Webpage for

Lecture Cloud- and Web-Technologies



Please use user and password as given in the lecture! Please copy the editor's content, as it will be lost due to reloading of the page for the purpose of login.



Map/Reduce - Information about Mr. Magic Sets

More complex queries need processing a join: Your second query should return all available information about Mr. "Magic Sets". A corresponding SPARQL query looks like:

PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
        ?person foaf:name "Magic Sets" .
        ?person ?p ?o .
In this exercise you should spend two parallel jobs for processing each of the triple patterns. One succeeding job should then evaluate the join result.


The following data of the file data.csv is given:


Please use the following editor for your exercise. You can run the content of the editor by clicking on the tab 'Run'...

Output of Editor Content

The result of running the editor content is as follows:

Output of the Solution

The output of the solution is as follows:


Please have a look at the solution only after you have finished working on your own solution. Otherwise the learn effect is much less.