KGC22 Tutorial: Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 Ontologies
Sven Groppe

Tutorial at the Knowledge Graph Conference (KGC) 2022

Link to Knowledge Graph Conference (KGC) 2022

Presentation Info

Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 Ontologies

The COVID-19 pandemic slowed down or even often stopped the world’s activities in economy, education, society and other areas of our daily life, but was a huge trigger for research. Several COVID-19 related ontologies are considered and often published together with large instance data forming a knowledge graph, which serves as the basis for many applications related to COVID-19. All the outspread COVID-19 associated data and technologies can be organized and integrated using knowledge graphs. Numerous ontologies have been developed to represent data and knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic. We have analyzed the properties of and validated ontologies and knowledge graphs dealing with the COVID-19 virus and pandemic. We devised a first-step approach to measure the impact of ontologies. Our approach is based on ontologies’ direct and indirect reuses on other projects or ontologies. The results of this analysis about the impact of COVID-19 ontologies might help data scientists to choose those ontologies promising the best interoperability with other applications and tools. Furthermore, we have reviewed a couple of COVID-19 knowledge graphs and datasets to explore the impact of COVID-19 ontologies. This tutorial will present:
  1. Important COVID-19 ontologies
  2. Validating COVID-19 Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs
  3. Measuring Impact of Ontologies
  4. COVID-19 Datasets


Photo of Sven Groppe

Professor Dr. Sven Groppe

Institute of Information Systems (IFIS), University of Lübeck, Germany


Sven Groppe is a Professor at the University of Lübeck, Germany. He was a member of the DAWG W3C Working Group, which developed SPARQL. He was the project leader of the DFG project LUPOSDATE and two research projects on FPGA acceleration of relational and Semantic Web databases and is a member of the Hardware Accelerator Research Program by Intel. He is currently the project leader of German Research Foundation projects on GPU accelerated database indices and on the Semantic Internet of Things. Furthermore, he is leading a project about quantum computer accelerated database optimizations and he is a project partner in a project about COVID-19 high-quality knowledge graphs, visualizations, and analysis of the pandemic with 2 french partners. His research interests include the Internet of Things, Semantic Web, query and rule processing and optimization, Big Data, Cloud Computing, peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, data visualization and analysis, and visual query languages.

He is the workshop organizer and chair of the Semantic Big Data workshop series (2016 to 2020) in conjunction with ACM SIGMOD. In 2021 and 2022 he organizes the International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE) @ SIGMOD and the International Workshop of Internet-of-Things (VLIoT) in conjunction with VLDB since 2017. He is the general chair of the International Semantic Intelligence Conferences in 2021 and 2022.

Photo of Sanju Tiwari

Professor Dr. Sanju Tiwari

Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas (UAT), Mexico


Dr. Sanju Tiwari is a Senior Researcher at Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas (70 years old University), Mexico. She is DAAD Post-Doc-Net AI Fellow for 2021 and appointed as Ph.D. Co-Supervisor at Rai University, Gujarat, India. She has worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain. Prior to this, she worked as a Research Associate for a sponsored research project “Intelligent Real-time Situation Awareness and Decision Support System for Indian Defence” funded by DRDO, New Delhi, India. Her current research interests include Ontology Engineering, Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data Generation and Publication, and Question/Answering. She has to date published 50 research papers and 3 Scopus indexed Books. She is also editing an Elsevier and ISTE book on Semantic Web in IoT. She is working as a General Chair (KGSWC 2020-22, EGETC-2022), Program Chair, Workshop Chair, Publicity Chair, Steering Committee, and PC Member in different International Conferences (SEMANTiCS 2019-22, ESWC2021-22, CIKM2020-22, BiDEDE-2022 at ACM SIGMOD, VLIoT 2022 at VLDB-2022, AICCSA-2021, JOWO-2021, FTSE-2021, AMLDA-2021, RTIP2R-2021). She has worked as a Guest Editor for MTAP Springer, IJWIS Emerald, River Journals, IGI-Global, and Inderscience Journals. She is the speaker of IEEE/IETE N2Women and Women's Empowerment.

Photo of Farah Benamara

Professor Dr. Farah Benamara

IRIT, France


Farah Benamara is Associate Professor in computer science at Toulouse University Paul Sabatie since 2005. She got her Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) in December 2016. She is member of IRIT laboratory and co-head of the MELODI group. Her research concerns Natural Language Processing and focuses on the development of semantic and pragmatic models for language understanding with a particular attention on evaluative language processing, discourse processing and information extraction from texts. She published more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed international conference and journal papers. She has been designed to be area chair at ACL 2019 and EACL 2021 and co-edited a special issue on contextual phenomena in evaluative language processing in the journal of Computation Linguistics.

Photo of Soror Sahri

Professor Dr. Soror Sahri

Université Paris Cité, France


Soror Sahri is an associate professor at Université Paris Cité and member of the diNo group of LIPADE (Laboratoire d’Informatique Paris Descartes). She received her PhD in computer science from Paris-Dauphine University, where she worked on scalable and distributed databases, supported by Microsoft Research and presented at many events like Microsoft Academic Days, and the CIDR international conference’ gong show. She has been involved in various international, EU (Biocase, eGov-bus) and national (SquarePredict) projects, and member of the scientific committee of the Idex interdisciplinary project Imageries-Du-Vivant project. She is currently the project coordinator of QualityOnt, that aims at providing COVID-19 high quality knowledge graph for emerging English, French and German trends. Her main research interests are large scale data management and data quality. She is a member of the editorial board of TLDKS journal. She has served as a local organization chair of IEEE-MASCOTS 2014, and served as PC member and session chair of many national and international conferences. She participated in writing an educational book on many issues in data hosting, the ecosystems of cloud computing as well as big data.