Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2019)

Workshop @ VLDB 2019


International Workshop on
Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2019)
Call for Papers: txtUTF-8 txtASCII pdf

The International Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2019)

In conjunction with VLDB 2019

Aims of the Workshop

An increasing number of real-world objects are becoming accessible and manageable through the Internet. According to CISCO, the number of these devices will reach 50 billion by 2020, forming a very large Internet of Things (VLIoT). This massive number of "smart" objects will cooperate with each other, have their own metadata, and may continuously produce new data (in form of events, sensor data, or actuator states). Data management will be a major challenge in the very large Internet of Things. Hence, efficient IoT infrastructure and technologies must be developed to handle masses of IoT data with high performance. This will include: new techniques to filter and store relevant data; efficient replication approaches for objects with constrained resources in order to increase availability and durability; new protocols for voting about decisions among objects; and smooth integration of heterogeneous objects.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together academic researchers and industry practitioners working in the field of IoT and to allow them to report and exchange their findings addressing these challenges. This workshop also intends to discuss other closely-related technologies such as Nanotechnology, Fog-, Edge-, and Dew-Computing for IoT. The ideas of Fog, Edge and Dew Computing may indeed solve or attenuate the problems of a very large Internet of Things (w.r.t. performance, energy-efficiency, as well as security and privacy aspects).

Types of Papers

The workshop welcomes contributions describing original ideas, promising new concepts, and practical experience. In particular, we solicit papers of different types:

  • Research Papers proposing new approaches, theories or techniques related to Internet of Things, including new data structures, algorithms, whole systems, and frameworks. They should make substantial theoretical and empirical contributions to the research field.

  • Experiments and Analysis Papers focusing on the experimental evaluation of existing approaches including data structures and algorithms for Internet of Things and bring new insights through the analysis of these experiments. Results of experiments and analysis papers can be, for example, showing benefits of well-known approaches in new settings and environments, opening new research problems by demonstrating unexpected behavior or phenomena, or comparing a set of traditional approaches in an experimental survey.

  • Application Papers reporting practical experiences on Internet of Things applications. Application papers might describe specific application domains in the IoT such as smart homes/offices/cities, continuous health care, waste management, emergency response, intelligent response, and Industry 4.0.

  • Vision Papers identifying emerging or future research issues and directions, and describing new research visions in the IoT area that may have a great impact on our society.

Topics of Interest

We welcome papers on the following and other relevant topics:

  • Semantic IoT
  • Privacy-by-design and security-by-design in IoT
  • System architectures for IoT, e.g.

    • things-centric,
    • data-centric,
    • event-centric, and
    • service-centric.

  • IoT applications including:

    • smart homes/offices/cities,
    • waste management,
    • health care,
    • emergency response, and
    • intelligent shopping.

  • Nano Technology including:

    • Nano Networks,
    • Nano communication,
    • Nano applications,
    • Nano computing, and
    • Internet of Nano Things.

  • IoT programming toolkits and frameworks
  • IoT prototypes and evaluation test-beds
  • IoT data mining and analytics
  • IoT management and interoperability
  • Management of IoT streams
  • Enabling technologies and standards for the IoT
  • Spatial and temporal reasoning for IoT
  • Sustainability of IoT platforms, e.g. business models for deployment and maintenance
  • Societal challenges and IoT, e.g. urban planning and decision making tools
  • Ownership of data in IoT scenarios
  • Fog, Edge and Dew Computing for IoT
  • IoT benchmarks and performance measurement
  • Indexing and search in IoT environments
  • IoT transactions, concurrency control and recovery
  • Hardware accelerators and energy savers for IoT applications and core infrastructure
  • IoT discovery of devices, services and data

Important Dates

Time Schedule
Submission (extended): May 2, 2019
Notification: May 31, 2019
Workshop: August 30, 2019

Diversity Considerations of the Program Committee

We have currently recruited 20 PC members and chairs listed below who are experts in the topics of interest of our workshop. The current PC members and chairs are selected from 14 nations all over the world as shown also by the map below. While most PC members are from academia, we have 2 experts also from industry (10%). 5 of the PC members and chairs are women (25%).


Program committee members and chairs: 1  3

Program Committee Chairs

Program Committee

  • Lorena Etcheverry, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
  • Mirian Halfeld Ferrari, Université d' Orléans, France
  • Hemant Purohit, George Mason University, USA
  • Jonathan Fürst, NEC Labs Europe, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Abdessamad Imine, INRIA-LORIA Nancy Grand-Est, France
  • Peiquan Jin, University of Science and Technology of China, China
  • Verena Kantere, University of Ottawa
  • Abdelmajid Khelil, Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Jan Lindström, MariaDB Corporation, Finland
  • Uden Lorna, Staffordshire University, UK
  • Riccardo Martoglia, University di Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • Luis Muñoz, University of Cantabria, Spain
  • Elaheh Pourabbas, National Research Council of Italy, Italy
  • Francisco José da Silva e Silva, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), Brazil
  • Mu-Chun Su, National Central University, Taiwan
  • Marco Vieira, University of Coimbra, Portugal
  • Yingwei Wang, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
  • Demetris Zeinalipour, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Evaluation of Papers

To verify the originality of submissions, we will use Plagiarism Detection Tools to check the content of the submitted manuscripts against previous publications.

Papers will be evaluated according to the following aspects:

  • Relevance to the Workshop
  • Novelty and practical impact
  • Technical soundness
  • Appropriateness and adequacy of:
    • Literature review
    • Background discussion
    • Analysis of issues
  • Presentation, including:
    • Overall organization and structure
    • Correctness of English language
    • Readability

Accepted Papers

  • Yi Xu, Sumi Helal, Choonhwa Lee, Ahmed Khaled:
    Energy Savings in Very Large Cloud-IoT Systems
  • Tao Peng, Sana Sellami, Omar Boucelma:
    IoT Data Imputation with Incremental Multiple Linear Regression
  • Gowri Sankar Ramachandran, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
    Towards a Large Scale IoT through Partnership, Incentive, and Services: A Vision, Architecture, and Future Directions
  • Gustavo A. Nunez Segura, Cintia Borges Margi, Arsenia Chorti:
    Understanding the Performance of Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks under Denial of Service Attack
  • Igor Leão dos Santos, Flávia C. Delicato, Paulo F. Pires , Marcelo Pitanga Alves, Ana Oliveira, Tiago Salviano Calmon:
    Data-Centric Resource Management in Edge-Cloud Systems for the IoT
  • Pablo Sotres, Jorge Lanza, Juan Ramón Santana, Luis Sanchez:
    Integrating a smart city testbed into a large scale heterogeneous federation of Future Internet experimentation facilities: the SmartSantander approach
  • Jelena Misic, Vojislav Misic, Xiaolin Chang:
    Data lifetime estimation in a multicast-based CoAP proxy
  • Reza Tourani, Abderrahmen Mtibaa, Satyajayant Misra:
    Distributed Data-Gathering and -Processing in Smart Cities: An Information-Centric Approach
  • Felipe Oliveira Carvalho, Markus Endler, Francisco Silva e Silva:
    Leveraging Application Development for the Internet of Mobile Things
  • Taylor Mauldin, Anne H. Ngu, Vangelis Metsis, Marc E. Canby, Jelena Tesic:
    Experimentation and Analysis of Ensemble Deep Learning in IoT Applications
  • Niklas Semmler, Georgios Smaragdakis, Anja Feldmann:
    Online Replication Strategies for Distributed Data Stores


Session 1 (Welcome, Keynote/Cloud-IoT Systems)

Time Type Description
9:00: welcome Workshop Chairs:
Short Welcome (Third Edition of the Very Large Internet of Things Workshop (VLIoT))
9:05: keynote Sumi Helal (Lancaster University):
Energy Savings in Very Large Cloud-IoT Systems
Bio: Abdelsalam (Sumi) Helal received the Ph.D. degree in computer sciences from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. He is currently professor and the Chair in Digital Health, School of Computing and Communications, and the Division of Health Research, Lancaster University, UK. Before joining Lancaster University, he was professor in the department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida, USA, where he directed the Mobile and Pervasive Computing Laboratory and the Gator Tech Smart House. His research interests span pervasive systems, the Internet of Things, smart spaces, with applications to digital health and assistive technologies for successful aging and independence.
Abstract: Opposite to the original cloudlet approach in which an edge is utilized to bring the cloud and its benefits closer to the applications, in cloud- and edge-connected IoT systems where the applications are deployed and run in the cloud, we exploit the edge somewhat differently, either by bringing the physical world and its data up closer to the cloud or by caching parts of the applications down closer to the physical world. Aggressive optimizations seeking substantial IoT energy savings are needed to maintain the scalability of large-scale IoT deployments and to stay within cloud cost constraints (avoiding costly elasticity when working with a budget limit). In this keynote, we present a novel optimization approach that relies on the simple principle of minimizing all movements: movements of data from the IoT up to the Edge and Cloud, and movements of application fragments from the cloud down to the edge and the IoT itself. Our approach is novel in that it involves and utilizes the dynamic characteristics and variability of both the data and applications simultaneously. Another novelty of our approach is the definition and use of “sentience-efficiency” as a precursor to “energy-efficiency” for achieving truly aggressive savings in energy. We present our bi-directional optimization approach and its implementation in terms of algorithms within an architecture we name the cloud-edge-beneath architecture (CEB). We present a performance evaluation study to measure the impact of our optimization approach on energy saving.
10:00: paper Igor Leão dos Santos, Flávia C. Delicato, Paulo F. Pires , Marcelo Pitanga Alves, Ana Oliveira, Tiago Salviano Calmon:
Data-Centric Resource Management in Edge-Cloud Systems for the IoT
10:30: break Coffee Break

Session 2

Time Type Description
11:00: paper Niklas Semmler, Georgios Smaragdakis, Anja Feldmann:
Online Replication Strategies for Distributed Data Stores
11:30: paper Gustavo A. Nunez Segura, Cintia Borges Margi, Arsenia Chorti:
Understanding the Performance of Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks under Denial of Service Attack
12:00: paper Tao Peng, Sana Sellami, Omar Boucelma:
IoT Data Imputation with Incremental Multiple Linear Regression
12:30: lunch Lunch Break

Session 3 (Panel and Visions)

Time Type Description
14:00: weekend panel Flávia C. Delicato (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro),
Cintia Borges Margi (Universidade de São Paulo),
Sumi Helal (Lancaster University),
Satyajayant Misra (New Mexico State University):
IoT as core technology for SmartEverything, Data Science and Machine Learning
Abstract: If the IoT infrastructure is the nervous system of a cyber-physical system, Data Science is the knowledge construction, and Machine Learning is the brain, how can we be sure that we are collecting and processing all bits of information to build really smart, adaptive and human-friendly systems?
15:00: paper Gowri Sankar Ramachandran, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Towards a Large Scale IoT through Partnership, Incentive, and Services: A Vision, Architecture, and Future Directions
15:15: paper Reza Tourani, Abderrahmen Mtibaa, Satyajayant Misra:
Distributed Data-Gathering and -Processing in Smart Cities: An Information-Centric Approach
15:30: break Coffee Break

Session 4

Time Type Description
16:00: paper Taylor Mauldin, Anne H. Ngu, Vangelis Metsis, Marc E. Canby, Jelena Tesic:
Experimentation and Analysis of Ensemble Deep Learning in IoT Applications
16:25: paper Pablo Sotres, Jorge Lanza, Juan Ramón Santana, Luis Sanchez:
Integrating a smart city testbed into a large scale heterogeneous federation of Future Internet experimentation facilities: the SmartSantander approach
16:50: paper Felipe Oliveira Carvalho, Markus Endler, Francisco Silva e Silva:
Leveraging Application Development for the Internet of Mobile Things
17:15: paper Jelena Misic, Vojislav Misic, Xiaolin Chang:
Data lifetime estimation in a multicast-based CoAP proxy
17:40: break End of Workshop

Manuscript Preparation

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum.

Accepted papers will be published online in the Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT). OJIOT is an open access journal, and the proceedings will hence be highly visible to all interested readers.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as PDF files using this webpage and be formatted using the word or latex templates of the Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT). Research papers as well as experiments and analysis papers should have between 6 and 15 pages, application papers between 6 and 12 pages and vision papers between 4 and 12 pages.

It is expected that at least one author of an accepted paper registers to the workshop and presents the contributions. Additionally an open-access publication fee of 98 Euro (special rate) is to be paid for each accepted paper to the publisher of Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT).


The submission is currently closed. Please check our Important Dates page.

Contact Program Chairs

Please contact us for any further information:


Please use the following links for further information on the edition of the given year of the International Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT):