The ADS Grenzfriedensbund e.V. is known as a non-profit association with a wide range of social, cultural and educational activities in northern Schleswig-Holstein. These include, for example, topics such as digitalization in the nursery and the language profiles Low German, Danish and Frisian.
The ADS sports daycare center in Kropp offers the Low German language profile, which was reason enough for the Low German-speaking robot Pepper to pay a visit to this special daycare center. The ADS and daycare center management had extended an invitation, and many people came - e.g. the mayor and members of the local council - to find out about the work of the ADS and to experience the daycare children's encounter with the Low German-speaking robot.
The hand puppets Hanna and Hinnerk presented a specially made Pepper from the 3D printer and the children drew a picture of Pepper as a souvenir and all signed it. The pre-school children had a lot of fun and peppered the robot with questions, which it readily answered in Low German with the help of ChatGPT.