Nils Wendel Heinrich

Photo of Nils Wendel  Heinrich

- Research Assistant -

Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Gebäude 64, 2. OG, Raum 36

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 05/2023: Researcher in the DFG-funded projects RU1743/5-1 and RU1743/7-2, supervised by Prof. Dr. Nele Rußwinkel.
  • 03/2022 - 04/2023: Research Associate in the Cognitive Modeling in dynamic Human-Machine Systems Team at the Department of Psychology and Ergonomics, Technische Universität Berlin
  • 07/2021 - 02/2022: Scholarship holder of the Graduate School of Embodied Choices supervised by Prof. Markus Raab (German Sport University Cologne)
  • 03/2021: Master of Science
    Cognitive Science – Embodied Cognition, University of Potsdam, Master´s thesis: „Statistical inference for a computational model of eye-movement control in reading“ by Prof. Ralf Engbert
  • 03/2019 - 03/2020: Research assistant: General and biological psychology, University of Potsdam
    SFB 1294: Data assimilation; Project B03: Parameter inference and model comparison in dynamical cognitive models
  • 03/2018: Bachelor of Sience
    Psychology, FernUniversität in Hagen, Bachelor´s thesis: „The effect of memory retrieval on proactive inference – challenging the episodic context account“ by Prof. Robert Gaschler

Research Interests

  • Computational Models of Cognition
  • Dynamical Systems for Modeling Cognitive Processes
  • Embodied Cognition
  • Situated Action (Situated Action Control)
  • Eye Movements and their Underlying Cognitive Processes



Nikita Abalakin, Nils Wendel Heinrich, Annika Österdiekhoff, Stefan Kopp, and Nele Russwinkel,
Allocation of Fixational Eye Movements in Response to Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments, in CogSci 2024 , Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2024.
Nils Wendel Heinrich, Annika Österdiekhoff, Stefan Kopp, and Nele Russwinkel,
Developing and Evaluating a Computational Cognitive Model of Sensorimotor Grounded Action Selection Based on Eye-movement Behavior, in Mathpsych / ICCM 2024 , The Society for Mathematical Psychology, 2024.
Weblink: 07.05.2024
Nils Wendel Heinrich, Annika Österdiekhoff, Stefan Kopp, and Nele Russwinkel,
Goal-directed Allocation of Gaze Reflects Situated Action Control in Dynamic Tasks, in CogSci 2024 , Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2024.
Annika Österdiekhoff, Nils Wendel Heinrich, Nele Russwinkel, and Stefan Kopp,
Sense of Control in Dynamic Multitasking and its Impact on Voluntary Task-Switching Behavior, in CogSci 2024 , Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2024.


Nils Wendel Heinrich,
A Straightforward Implementation of Sensorimotor Abstraction in a Two-Layer Architecture for Dynamic Decision-Making, In Proceedings of Mathpsych/ICCM 2023 , 2023.
Bibtex: BibTeX
    author  = {Heinrich, N., Östediekhoff, A., Kopp, S., Russwinkel, N.},
    title   = {A Straightforward Implementation of Sensorimotor Abstraction in a Two-Layer Architecture for Dynamic Decision-Making},
    booktitle = {In Proceedings of Mathpsych/ICCM 2023},
    year    = {2023},
    note    = {MathPsych/ICCM 2023 Amsterdam (International Conference on Cognitive Modelling).},
url = {}