BigSIoT: Big Data Management für das Semantic Internet of Things
Funded by:
2019 - 2023
Project Coordinator:
- Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Fischer
Research Associate:
- Benjamin Warnke
The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to connect billions of embedded systems that will be equipped with both sensors to collect environmental data and actuators to change the state of the real world. On this basis, new applications such as smart cities, smart grids and smart healthcare will emerge.
Goals and Procedure
To make this vision and the promised applications a reality, a number of requirements still need to be met, including (a) the creation of infrastructures that enable the distribution, storage and retrieval of large amounts of data produced by the sensors, and (b) the semantic enrichment of this data as well as an open data format for its representation, which together then enable powerful machine processing and thus efficient implementation of the above applications. In the “BigSIoT” project we want to address these two issues.
Innovation and Prospects
First, we develop an infrastructure by organizing the existing processing and storage resources in the IoT infrastructure, but also IoT devices, into a P2P network. Based on this infrastructure, we will then explore the areas of large-scale distributed semantic data distribution as well as (one-time, trigger and continuous) query and inference processing to realize practical, large-scale IoT scenarios. Among other things, we will evaluate our approach in a large-scale smart city environment.
Project Partners
- Institute of Information Systems (IFIS), University of Lübeck
- Institute of Telematics, University of Lübeck
Link to Project Details
Link to Open Source Implementation of LUPOSDATE3000 on GitHub
- The 6th International Conference on Applied Machine Learning and Data Analytics (AMLDA) 2023 in Lübeck, 9.11.2023 (online) and 10.11.2023 (hybrid), General Chairs: M. A. Jabbar, Fernando Ortiz Rodriguez, Sanju Tiwari, Sven Groppe.
- International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE 2023) in conjunction with ACM SIGMOD/PODS in Seattle, WA, USA: June 18, 2023, Workshop Chairs: Sven Groppe, Le Gruenwald, Ching-Hsien Hsu
- International Workshop on Very Large Internet on Things (VLIoT 2022) in conjunction with VLDB in Sydney, Australia: September 9, 2022, Workshop Chairs: Sven Groppe, Sanju Tiwari, Shui Yu
- Eingeladener Vortrag, "From Ontologies to Knowledge Graphs: An Overview", Dr. Sanju Tiwari im Rahmen des DAAD Post-Doc-Net AI Fellow mit Host Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, 17.06.2022.
- International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE 2022) in conjunction with ACM SIGMOD/PODS in Philadelphia, PA, USA: June 12, 2022, Workshop Chairs: Sven Groppe, Le Gruenwald, Ching-Hsien Hsu
- Eingeladener Vortrag, "Role of Semantic IoT in HealthCare" (PDF), Dr. Sanju Tiwari im Rahmen des DAAD Post-Doc-Net AI Fellow mit Host Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, 27.01.2022.
- Eingeladener Vortrag (Plenary Talk), "The Data Management Perspective in the Internet-of-Things" (Folien: HTML, PDF), 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models (ICC3 - 2021) (online), Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, 16.12.2021
- Bachelor-/Master-Forum 2021, "Utilizing Emergent Technologies for Big Data Analytics" (Folien: HTML, PDF), Universität zu Lübeck (online), Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, 15.12.2021
- Workshop together with DIMA (TU Berlin), online, "Luposdate3000: Towards (Semantic) Hybrid Multi-model Multi-platform ((S)HM3P) Databases" (HTML, PDF), Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, "IoT-DB-Simulator and Combining Query Processing with RPL-Routing" (PDF), Benjamin Warnke, 21.10.2021
- International Workshop on Very Large Internet on Things (VLIoT 2021) in conjunction with VLDB in Copenhagen, Danmark: August 16, 2021, Workshop Chairs: Sven Groppe, Weizhi Meng
- International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE 2021) in conjunction with ACM SIGMOD/PODS in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China: June 20-25, 2021, Workshop Chairs: Sven Groppe, Le Gruenwald, Ching-Hsien Hsu
- Keynote auf der International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC 2021), New Delhi (hybrid), India: February 25, 2021 mit dem Titel "Emergent Hardware for Databases with focus on Semantic Web: Semantic Hybrid Multi-model Multi-platform (HM3P) Databases" (HTML, PDF): Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe
- International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC 2021), New Delhi, India: February 25-27, 2021, General Chairs: Sarika Jain, Sven Groppe
- Vortrag im International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group WG2.6 Database Seminar: Hybrid Multi-Model Multi-Platform (HM3P) Databases (HTML, PDF), February 17, 2021, Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe
- 4th International Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT), Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, Workshop in conjunction with VLDB conference, Tokyo/Japan, 4.9.2020
- Very Large Internet of Things, Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, Workshop VLDB-Konferenz, LA/USA, 26.-30.08.2019
- Semantic Big Data, Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, Workshop ACM SIGMOD/PODS-Konferenz, Amsterdam/Niederlande, 30.06.-05.07.2019
Benjamin Warnke:
Data Partitioning and Query Optimization in the Semantic Internet of Things
eingereicht Mai 2023, angenommen Juni 2023, mündl. Prüfung am 14.07.2023 (Doktorvater: Groppe), Thesis
Diese Dissertation ist von dem Vorsitzenden des Senatsausschusses MINT für den GI-Dissertationspreis nominiert worden.
ReJOOSp: Reinforcement Learning for Join Order Optimization in SPARQL, Big Data and Cognitive Computing (BDCC) , vol. 8, no. 7, 2024.
Datei: | bdcc8070071 |
Constructing Optimal Bushy Join Trees by Solving QUBO Problems on Quantum Hardware and Simulators, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE), Seattle, WA, USA , 2023.
Datei: | 3579142.3594298 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{Nayak2023QUBO_JOO, title = {Constructing Optimal Bushy Join Trees by Solving QUBO Problems on Quantum Hardware and Simulators}, author = {Nitin Nayak and Jan Rehfeld and Tobias Winker and Benjamin Warnke and Umut Çalıkyılmaz and Sven Groppe}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE), Seattle, WA, USA}, year = {2023}, url = {} } |
Distributed SPARQL Queries in Collaboration with the Routing Protocol, in Proceedings of the 27th International Database Engineered Applications Symposium (IDEAS), Heraklion, Crete, Greece , 2023.
Datei: | 3589462.3589497 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{Warnke2023_1, title = {Distributed SPARQL Queries in Collaboration with the Routing Protocol}, author = {Benjamin Warnke and Stefan Fischer and Sven Groppe}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th International Database Engineered Applications Symposium (IDEAS), Heraklion, Crete, Greece}, year = {2023}, url = {} } |
Using Machine Learning and Routing Protocols for Optimizing Distributed SPARQL Queries in Collaboration, Computers , vol. 12, no. 10, 2023.
Datei: | computers12100210 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Warnke2023UsingMLDistributed, author = {Benjamin Warnke and Stefan Fischer and Sven Groppe}, title = {Using Machine Learning and Routing Protocols for Optimizing Distributed SPARQL Queries in Collaboration}, journal = {Computers}, volume = {12}, year = {2023}, number = {10}, url = {} } |
A SPARQL Benchmark for Distributed Databases in IoT Environments, in Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE'22), Philadelphia, PA, USA , 2022.
Datei: | 3530050.3532929 |
SIMORA: SIMulating Open Routing protocols for Application interoperability on edge devices, in 6th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC22), Taormina (Messina), Italy , 2022.
Datei: | ICFEC54809.2022.00013 |
Flexible data partitioning schemes for parallel merge joins in semantic web queries, in Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web ({BTW}), 19. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme", Dresden, Germany , Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2021. pp. 237--256.
DOI: | 10.18420/btw2021-12 |
Datei: | btw2021-12 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{Warnke21Flexible, author = {Benjamin Warnke and Muhammad Waqas Rehan and Stefan Fischer and Sven Groppe}, title = {Flexible data partitioning schemes for parallel merge joins in semantic web queries}, booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web ({BTW}), 19. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme", Dresden, Germany}, series = {{LNI}}, volume = {{P-311}}, pages = {237--256}, publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn}, year = {2021}, url = {}, note = {this publication received the label 'Results Reproduced'} } |
Generating Sound from the Processing in Semantic Web Databases, Open Journal of Semantic Web (OJSW) , vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1--27, 2021.
Datei: | OJSW_2021v8i1n01_Groppe.html |
Sound of Databases: Sonification of a Semantic Web Database Engine, Proc. VLDB Endow. , vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 2695--2698, 2021.
Datei: | 3476311.3476322 |