Jinghua Groppe

- Research Assistant -

Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Gebäude 64, 2. OG

Email: jinghua.groppe(at)uni-luebeck.de
Phone: +49 451 3101 5711

Curriculum Vitae



Akasha-Leonie Kessel, Soror Sahri, Sven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, Hanieh Khorashadizadeh, Marc Pignal, Eva Perez Pimparé, and Régine Vignes-Lebbe,
Impact of Chatbots on User Experience and Data Quality on Citizen Science Platforms, Computers , vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 2025.
Datei: computers14010021
Hanieh Khorashadizadeh, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Nilufar Ranji, Morteza Ezzabady, Frédéric Ieng, Jinghua Groppe, Farah Benamara, and Sven Groppe,
Construction and Canonicalization of Economic Knowledge Graphs with LLMs, in Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web , Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025. pp. 334–343.
Datei: 978-3-031-81221-7_23


Hanieh Khorashadizadeh, Jinghua Groppe, Jessica Lückert, Sanju Tiwari, and Sven Groppe,
Assessing the Impact of Government Policies on Covid-19 Spread: A Machine Learning Approach, in 10th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD), Tuscany, Italy , 2024.
Nitin Nayak, Tobias Winker, Umut Çalıkyılmaz, Sven Groppe, and Jinghua Groppe,
Quantum Join Ordering by Splitting the Search Space of QUBO Problems, Datenbank-Spektrum , vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 21-32, 2024.
Datei: s13222-024-00468-3
Benjamin Warnke, Kevin Martens, Tobias Winker, Sven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, Prasad Adhiyaman, Sruthi Srinivasan, and Shridevi Krishnakumar,
ReJOOSp: Reinforcement Learning for Join Order Optimization in SPARQL, Big Data and Cognitive Computing (BDCC) , vol. 8, no. 7, 2024.
Datei: bdcc8070071
Hanieh Khorashadizadeh, Fatima Zahra Amara, Morteza Ezzabady, Frédéric Ieng, Sanju Tiwari, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Jinghua Groppe, Soror Sahri, Farah Benamara, and Sven Groppe,
Research Trends for the Interplay between Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs, in VLDB 2024 Workshop: The International Workshop on Data Management Opportunities in Unifying Large Language Models + Knowledge Graphs (LLM+KG), Guangzhou, China , 2024.
Datei: LLM+KG-9.pdf
Martin Vogrin, Rok Vogrin, Sven Groppe, and Jinghua Groppe,
Supervised Learning on Relational Databases with Quantum Graph Neural Networks, in VLDB 2024 Workshop: The Second International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM’24), Guangzhou, China , 2024.
Datei: QDSM.5.pdf
Jinghua Groppe, Sven Groppe, Daniel Senf, and Ralf Möller,
There Are Infinite Ways to Formulate Code: How to Mitigate the Resulting Problems for Better Software Vulnerability Detection, Information , vol. 15, no. 4, 2024.
Datei: info15040216
T. Kar, P. Kanungo, Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Sven Groppe, and Jinghua Groppe,
Video Shot-boundary detection: Issues, challenges and solutions, Artificial Intelligence Review , vol. 57, no. 4, 2024.
Datei: s10462-024-10742-1


Hanieh Khorashadizadeh, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Sanju Tiwari, Jinghua Groppe, and Sven Groppe,
Exploring In-Context Learning Capabilities of Foundation Models for Generating Knowledge Graphs from Text, CoRR , vol. abs/2305.08804, 2023.
Datei: arXiv.2305.08804
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Exploring In-Context Learning Capabilities of Foundation Models for Generating Knowledge Graphs from Text},
	author = {Hanieh Khorashadizadeh and Nandana Mihindukulasooriya and Sanju Tiwari and Jinghua Groppe and Sven Groppe},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Generation From Text (Text2KG) in conjunction with the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2023), Hersonissos, Greece},
	year = {2023},
        url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3447/Text2KG_Paper_9.pdf}
Le Gruenwald, Tobias Winker, Umut Çalıkyılmaz, Jinghua Groppe, and Sven Groppe,
Index Tuning with Machine Learning on Quantum Computers for Large-Scale Database Applications, in Joint Proceedings of Workshops at the 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2023) - International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM'23), Vancouver, Canada , CEUR-WS.org, 2023.
Datei: QDSM5.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Index Tuning with Machine Learning on Quantum Computers for Large-Scale Database Applications},
	author = {Le Gruenwald and Tobias Winker and Umut Çalıkyılmaz and Jinghua Groppe and Sven Groppe},
	booktitle = {Joint Proceedings of Workshops at the 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases ({VLDB} 2023) - International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM'23), Vancouver, Canada},
	year = {2023},
	url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3462/QDSM5.pdf}
Umut Çalıkyılmaz, Sven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, Tobias Winker, Stefan Prestel, Farida Shagieva, Daanish Arya, Florian Preis, and Le Gruenwald,
Opportunities for Quantum Acceleration of Databases: Optimization of Queries and Transaction Schedules, Proc. VLDB Endow. , vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 2344--2353, 2023.
Datei: 3598581.3598603
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Opportunities for Quantum Acceleration of Databases: Optimization of Queries and Transaction Schedules},
	author = {Umut Çalıkyılmaz and Sven Groppe and Jinghua Groppe and Tobias Winker and Stefan Prestel and Farida Shagieva and Daanish Arya and Florian Preis and Le Gruenwald},
	journal = {Proc. {VLDB} Endow.},
	volume = {16},
	number = {9},
	pages = {2344--2353},
	year = {2023},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.14778/3598581.3598603}
Jinghua Groppe, Sven Groppe, and Ralf Möller,
Variables are a Curse in Software Vulnerability Prediction, in The 34th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), Panang, Malaysia , 2023.
Datei: 978-3-031-39847-6_41


Sven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, and Tobias Groth,
Tools, Languages, Methodologies for Representing Semantics on the Web of Things, Shikha Mehta and Sanju Tiwari and Patrick Siarry and M.A Jabbar, Eds. ISTE SCIENCE PUBLISHING Ltd, 2022.
Datei: c01.xhtml
Sven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, Umut Çalıkyılmaz, Tobias Winker, and Le Gruenwald,
Quantum Data Management and Quantum Machine Learning for Data Management: State-of-the-Art and Open Challenges, in Proceedings of the EAI International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning (EAI ICISML 2022) , 2022.
Datei: 978-3-031-35081-8_20
Jinghua Groppe, Rene Schlichting, Sven Groppe, and Ralf Möller,
Deep Learning-Based Classification of Customer Communications of a German Utility Company, in International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC 2022), online , 2022.
Datei: 978-981-19-7126-6_16
Sven Groppe, Sanju Tiwari, Hanieh Khorashadizadeh, Jinghua Groppe, Tobias Groth, Farah Benamara, and Soror Sahri,
Short Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 Ontologies, in International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC 2022), online , 2022.
Datei: 978-981-19-7126-6_17


Sven Groppe, and Jinghua Groppe,
Optimizing Transaction Schedules on Universal Quantum Computers via Code Generation for Grover’s Search Algorithm, in Proceedings of the 25th International Database Engineering \& Applications Symposium (IDEAS), Montreal, QC, Canada , New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021.
Datei: 3472163.3472164


Sven Groppe, and Jinghua Groppe,
Hybrid Multi-Model Multi-Platform (HM3P) Databases, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA), virtual due to Covid-19 pandemic , 2020.
Datei: 0009802401770184


Jinghua Groppe, and Sven Groppe,
Accelerating Large Semantic Web Databases by Parallel Join Computations of SPARQL Queries, SIGAPP Appl. Comput. Rev. , vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 60--70, 2011.
Datei: 2107756.2107762
Sven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, Stefan Werner, Matthias Samsel, Florian Kalis, Kristina Fell, Peter Kliesch, and Markus Nakhlah,
Monitoring eBay auctions by querying RDF streams, in Sixth IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), Melbourne, Australia , 2011. pp. 223--228.
Datei: ICDIM.2011.6093358
Jinghua Groppe, and Sven Groppe,
Parallelizing join computations of {SPARQL} queries for large semantic web databases, in Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), TaiChung, Taiwan , 2011. pp. 1681--1686.
Datei: 1982185.1982536
Sven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, Niklas Klein, Ralf Bettentrupp, Stefan Böttcher, and Le Gruenwald,
Transforming XSLT stylesheets into XQuery expressions and vice versa, Computer Languages, Systems \& Structures , vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 76--111, 2011.
Datei: j.cl.2010.11.001
Sven Groppe, Jinghua Groppe, Stefan Werner, Matthias Samsel, Florian Kalis, and Kristina Fell,
Using a Streaming SPARQL Evaluator for Monitoring eBay Auctions, IJWA , vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 166--178, 2011.
Datei: 2.pdf
Jinghua Groppe, Sven Groppe, and Andreas Schleifer,
Visual query system for analyzing social semantic web, in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), Hyderabad, India , 2011. pp. 217--220.
Datei: 1963192.1963293