Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ralf Möller

- Full Professor, Previous Director -

Since 01.02.2024:
Head of Institut for Humanities-Centered Artificial Intelligence (CHAI)

Email: ralf.moeller(at)uni-hamburg.de
Phone: +49 40 42838 9818

Curriculum Vitae


  • Intelligente Systeme, Wohlbegründete Künstliche Intelligenz, Intellektik
  • Dynamische Probabilistische Relationale Modelle, Probabilistic Computing
  • Data Mining, Web-Mining-Agenten, Data Science und Maschinelles Lernen
  • Datenbanken und Ontologien, Datenmanagement
  • Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  • Anwendungen in Medizin, Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften sowie Technik

DFKI Aussenstelle Lübeck: Leitung Forschungsbereich StarAI

Januar 2021 - Januar 2024


  • FPOplus Fahrplanoptimierung durch Auswertung von Fahrgastflüssen (2xFTE, 2 Jahre, BMDV, zusammen mit HCU, TUHH und RPTU, laufend)
  • KI-Anomed: Anonymisiertes Lernen von Dynamischen Probabilistisch-Relationalen Modelle aus Patientendaten mit Differential Privacy Garantien (1xFTE E13, 3 Jahre, DFKI, BMBF, laufend)
  • Understanding Written Artefacts, DFG-Exzellenzcluster (2xFTE E13, 6 Jahre, DFG, laufend)
  • APONA: Assistenzsystem zur Prozessoptimierung in der Notaufnahme (1xFTE E13, 2 Jahre, DFKI, WTSH, laufend)
  • DKDE-eGov: Dänisch-Deutsches Forschungszentrum für sicheres intelligentes eGovernment (1xFTE, 2,5 Jahre, WTSH, laufend)
  • GAIA Med: Cloud-Technologie für die Medizin (1xFTE, 2 Jahre, WTSH, laufend)
  • PeT-HMR: Automatisiertes Penetration-Testing durch Honeypot Machine Learning und Reasoning (1xFTE, 3 Jahre, BMBF, laufend)
  • KI LAB Lübeck (1xFTE, 2 Jahre, BMBF, abgeschlosssen)
  • MCEA: Medical Cause and Effects Analysis (1xFTE, 2 Jahre, WTSH, abgeschlossen)
  • M4KK: Verteilung von What-App-Anfragen an zuständiges Servicepersonal
  • Stochastic Relational in AI and Healthcare Big Data (1xFTE E13, 3 Jahre, CISCO, abgeschlossen)
  • Optique: Optimized Query Answering w.r.t. First-Order Theorie (2xFTE E13, 3 Jahre, EU, www.optique-project.eu , abgeschlossen),
  • PANOPTESEC: Dynamic Risk Approaches for Automated Cyber Defense (2xFTE E13, 3 Jahre, EU, www.panoptesec.eu , abgeschlossen)
  • CASAM: Computer Aided Semantic Annotation of Multimedia (2xFTE E13, 3 Jahre, EU, cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/85475_en.html , abgeschlossen)
  • BOEMIE: Bootstrapping Ontology Evolution with Multimedia Information Extraction (3xFTE, E13, 3 Jahre, EU, abgeschlossen)
  • TONES: Thinking Ontologies (1xFTE E13, 3 Jahre, EU, abgeschlossen)
  • PRESINT: Preference-Based Scene Interpretation (1xFTE E13, 3 Jahre, DFG, abgeschlossen), Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Neumann Uni Hamburg
  • DLs4Space: Description Logic for Space (1xFTE E13, 2 Jahre, DFG, abgeschlossen)

Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeiten



Malte Luttermann, Ralf Möller, and Marcel Gehrke,
Lifting Factor Graphs with Some Unknown Factors for New Individuals, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning , 04 2025. Elsevier.
Datei: Dateilink
Bibtex: BibTeX
	author    = {Malte Luttermann and Ralf Möller and Marcel Gehrke},
	title     = {{Lifting Factor Graphs with Some Unknown Factors for New Individuals}},
	journal   = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
	volume    = {179},
	year      = {2025},
	pages     = {109371},
	publisher = {Elsevier},


Tim Schulz, Malte Luttermann, and Ralf Möller,
AutoRAG: Grounding Text and Symbols, German Journal of Artificial Intelligence , 07 2024. Springer.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Tim Schulz and Malte Luttermann and Ralf Möller},
  title     = {AutoRAG: Grounding Text and Symbols},
  journal   = {German Journal of Artificial Intelligence},
  year      = {2024},
  publisher = {Springer},
  doi       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-024-00850-z}
Malte Luttermann, Mattis Hartwig, Tanya Braun, Ralf Möller, and Marcel Gehrke,
Lifted Causal Inference in Relational Domains, PMLR, 042024.
Weblink: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v236/luttermann24a.html
Datei: Dateilink
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Malte Luttermann and Mattis Hartwig and Tanya Braun and Ralf Möller and Marcel Gehrke},
  title     = {Lifted Causal Inference in Relational Domains},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning (CLeaR-24)},
  year      = {2024},
  volume    = {236},
  pages     = {827--842},
  publisher = {PMLR},
  url       = {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v236/luttermann24a.html},
Malte Luttermann, Edgar Baake, Juljan Bouchagiar, Benjamin Gebel, Philipp Grüning, Dilini Manikwadura, Franziska Schollemann, Elisa Teifke, Philipp Rostalski, and Ralf Möller,
Automated Computation of Therapies Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in the Medical Domain, German Journal of Artificial Intelligence , 04 2024. Springer.
Datei: Dateilink
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Malte Luttermann and Edgar Baake and Juljan Bouchagiar and Benjamin Gebel and Philipp Grüning and Dilini Manikwadura and Franziska Schollemann and Elisa Teifke and Philipp Rostalski and Ralf Möller},
  title     = {Automated Computation of Therapies Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in the Medical Domain},
  journal   = {German Journal of Artificial Intelligence},
  year      = {2024},
  publisher = {Springer},
  doi       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-023-00810-z}


Lena Baum, Marco Johns, Maija Poikela, Ralf Möller, Bharath Ananthasubramaniam, and Fabian Prasser,
{Data Integration and Analysis for Circadian Medicine}, Acta physiologica (Oxford, England) , pp. e13951, 02 2023.
Datei: 368542896_Data_Integration_and_Analysis_for_Circadian_Medicine
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Baum, Lena and Johns, Marco and Poikela, Maija and Möller, Ralf and Ananthasubramaniam, Bharath and Prasser, Fabian},
title = {{Data Integration and Analysis for Circadian Medicine}},
journal = {Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)},
year = {2023},
month = {02},
pages = {e13951},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/368542896_Data_Integration_and_Analysis_for_Circadian_Medicine},
doi = {10.1111/apha.13951}
Sylvia Melzer, Meike Klettke, Franziska Weise, Kaja Harter-Uibopuu, and Ralf Möller,
EpiDoc Data Matching for Federated Information Retrieval in the Humanities, in 1st International Workshop on AI in Digital Humanities, Computational Social Sciences and Economics Research at part of the 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS) , Proceedings of the 2023 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, 2023. pp. 1063--1068.
Datei: 1515.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author  = {Sylvia Melzer and Meike Klettke and Franziska Weise and Kaja Harter-Uibopuu and Ralf Möller},
  title   = {{EpiDoc Data Matching for Federated Information Retrieval in the Humanities}},
  booktitle = {{1st International Workshop on AI in Digital Humanities, Computational Social Sciences and Economics Research at part of the 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS)}},
  year    = 2023,
publisher    = {Proceedings of the 2023 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems},
pages = {1063--1068},
url = {https://annals-csis.org/proceedings/2023/pliks/1515.pdf}
Sylvia Melzer, Stefan Thiemann, Simon Schiff, and Ralf Möller,
Implementation of a Federated Information System by means of Reuse of Research Data archived in Research Data Repositories, Data Science Journal , 2023.
Datei: dsj-2023-039
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author  = {Sylvia Melzer and Stefan Thiemann and Simon Schiff and Ralf Möller},
  title   = {Implementation of a Federated Information System by means of Reuse of Research Data archived in Research Data Repositories},
  journal = {Data Science Journal},
  year    = 2023,
  pages   = {},
doi = {0.5334/dsj-2023-039},
url = {https://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2023-039}
Sylvia Melzer, Stefan Thiemann, and Ralf Möller,
Poster: Digital Data Handling at UWA, in Digital Total - Computing & Data Science an der Universität Hamburg und in der Wissenschaftsmetropole Hamburg , 2023.
Datei: Poster_DDH@UWA_A0_FINAL.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author={Sylvia Melzer and Stefan Thiemann and Ralf Möller},
booktitle={Digital Total - Computing & Data Science an der Universität Hamburg und in der Wissenschaftsmetropole Hamburg},
title={Poster: Digital Data Handling at UWA},
url = {https://www.conferences.uni-hamburg.de/event/387/contributions/1502/attachments/559/1055/Poster_DDH@UWA_A0_FINAL.pdf} 
Simon Schiff, Mena Leemhuis, Özgür L. Özçep, and Ralf Möller,
Query Transformation for Processing Streams in Decision-making Agents, in The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings , 2023.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author       = {Simon Schiff and Mena Leemhuis and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}}r L{\"{u}}tf{\"{u}} {\"{O}}z{\c{c}}ep and Ralf Möller},
 title        = {Query Transformation for Processing Streams in Decision-making Agents},
  booktitle    = {The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings},
  date         = {2023-05-15},
  language     = {en},
  pubstate     = {to appear},
  journaltitle = {The Thirty-Six International Flairs Conference}


Simon Schiff, Sylvia Melzer, Eva Wilden, and Ralf Möller,
TEI-based Interactive Critical Editions, in 15th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems , Springer, 2022.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Simon Schiff and Sylvia Melzer and Eva Wilden and Ralf Möller}, 
title = {{TEI-based Interactive Critical Editions}},
booktitle = {15th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
year = {2022},
month = {May},
Sylvia Melzer, Stefan Thiemann, Hagen Peukert, and Möller Ralf,
Towards a Model-based and Variant-oriented Development of a System of Systems, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal , vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 19--31, 2022.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Melzer, Sylvia and Thiemann, Stefan and Peukert, Hagen and Ralf, Möller},
title = {{Towards a Model-based and Variant-oriented Development of a System of Systems}},
journal = {Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal},
volume = {7},
number = {3},
pages = {19--31},
url = {https://www.astesj.com/v07/i03/p03/}
Simon Schiff, Magnus Bender, and Ralf Möller,
Embodiment of an Agent by a Pepper Robot for Explaining Retrieval Results, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Humanities-Centred Artificial Intelligence (CHAI 2022) , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2022. pp. 29--37.
Datei: paper4.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Simon Schiff and Magnus Bender and Ralf Möller},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Humanities-Centred Artificial Intelligence (CHAI 2022)},
  date      = {2022-09-19},
  title     = {Embodiment of an Agent by a Pepper Robot for Explaining Retrieval Results},
  pages     = {29--37},
  publisher = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
  url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3301/paper4.pdf},
Sylvia Melzer, S. Schiff, F. Weise, K. Harter, and R. Möller,
Databasing on demand for research data repositories explained with a large epidoc dataset, Book of Industry Papers, Poster Papers and Abstracts of the CENTERIS 2022 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2022 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2022 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Info , pp. 150--153, 2022. SciKA, Portugal.
Datei: boa2022.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Melzer, S. and Schiff, S. and Weise, F. and Harter, K. and Möller, R.},
title = {Databasing on demand for research data repositories explained with a large epidoc dataset},
journal = {Book of Industry Papers, Poster Papers and Abstracts of the CENTERIS 2022 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2022 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2022 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (eds.: Cruz-Cunha, M. M., Martinho, R., Rijo, R., Domongos, D., Peres, E.)},
pages = {150--153},
year = {2022},
url = {https://www.scika.org/centeris/2022/CONTENTS/downloads/boa2022.pdf},
note= {SciKA}
Mareike Stender, Mattis Hartwig, Tanya Braun, and Ralf Möller,
{Increasing State Estimation Accuracy in the Inference Algorithm on a Hybrid Factor Graph Model}, in The 35. International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings , 2022.
Datei: 130682
Bibtex: BibTeX
author={Mareike Stender and Mattis Hartwig and Tanya Braun and Ralf Möller},
title={{Increasing State Estimation Accuracy in the Inference Algorithm on a Hybrid Factor Graph Model}}, 
booktitle={The 35. International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings},  


Mareike Stender, Jan Graßhoff, Tanya Braun, Ralf Möller, and Philipp Rostalski,
{A Hybrid Factor Graph Model for Biomedical Activity Detection}, in IEEE EMBS - International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2021), Athens, Greece, July 27-30, 2021 , IEEE, 2021. pp. 1--4.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Mareike Stender and Jan Graßhoff and Tanya Braun and Ralf Möller and Philipp Rostalski},
  title     = {{A Hybrid Factor Graph Model for Biomedical Activity Detection}},
  booktitle = {IEEE EMBS - International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2021), Athens, Greece, July 27-30, 2021},
  year      = {2021},
  pages     = {1--4},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  doi       = {https://doi.org/10.1109/BHI50953.2021.9508594}
Sylvia Melzer, Simon Schiff, and Ralf Möller,
Complementary Document Representations for Information Retrieval, in 34th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-34), North Miami Beach, Florida, USA, May 17-19 , 2021.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Sylvia Melzer and Simon Schiff and Ralf Möller},
  title     = {{Complementary Document Representations for Information Retrieval}}, 
  booktitle = {34th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-34), North Miami Beach, Florida, USA, May 17-19},
  year      = {2021},
  pages     = {},
  publisher = {},
  doi       = {https://doi.org/10.25592/uhhfdm.9569}
Felix Kuhr, Magnus Bender, Tanya Braun, and Ralf Moeller,
Context-specific Adaptation of Subjective Content Descriptions, in 15th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, (ICSC 2021), Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29 , IEEE, 2021.
Datei: Dateilink
Bibtex: BibTeX
author ={Felix Kuhr and Magnus Bender and Tanya Braun and Ralf M\"oller},
title ={Context-specific Adaptation of Subjective Content Descriptions},
booktitle ={15th {IEEE} International Conference on Semantic Computing, (ICSC} 2021), Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29},
year ={2021},
pages = {134--139},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
doi ={https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSC50631.2021.00032},
keywords ={Subjective Content Descriptions; Domain Adaptation; Text Mining},
Ralf Möller,
Humanities-Centred Artificial Intelligence (CHAI) as an Emerging Paradigm, in Exploring Written Artefacts: Objects, Methods, and Concepts , Jörg B. Quenzer, Eds. De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 245--266.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Ralf Möller},
title = {Humanities-Centred Artificial Intelligence (CHAI) as an Emerging Paradigm},
booktitle = {Exploring Written Artefacts: Objects, Methods, and Concepts},
editor = {Jörg B. Quenzer},
year = {2021},
volume = {25/1},
pages = {245--266},
publisher = {De Gruyter},
doi = {doi:10.1515/9783110753301-013}
Sylvia Melzer, Stefan Thiemann, and Ralf Möller,
Modeling and Simulating Federated Databases for early Validation of Federated Searches using the Broker-based SysML Toolbox, in {IEEE} International Systems Conference (SysCon 2021), Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 15 - May 15, 2021 , IEEE, 2021. pp. 1--6.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Sylvia Melzer and Stefan Thiemann and Ralf Möller},
  title     = {Modeling and Simulating Federated Databases for early Validation of Federated Searches using the Broker-based SysML Toolbox},
  booktitle = {{IEEE} International Systems Conference (SysCon 2021), Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 15 - May 15, 2021},
  year      = {2021},
  pages     = {1--6},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  doi       = {https://doi.org/10.1109/SysCon48628.2021.9447055}
[en] Simon Schiff, and Ralf Möller,
On Human-Aware Information Seeking, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Humanities-Centred Artificial Intelligence (CHAI 2021) , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021. pp. 31--39.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Simon Schiff and Ralf Möller},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Humanities-Centred Artificial Intelligence (CHAI 2021)},
  date      = {2021-09-28},
  title     = {On Human-Aware Information Seeking},
  language  = {en},
  pages     = {31--39},
  publisher = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},


Simon Schiff, Felix Kuhr, Sylvia Melzer, and Ralf Möller,
AI-based Companion Services for Humanities, in AI methods for digital heritage, Workshop at 43rd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence , 2020.
Bibtex: BibTeX
    author = {Simon Schiff and Felix Kuhr and Sylvia Melzer and Ralf Möller},
    title = {AI-based Companion Services for Humanities},
    booktitle = {AI methods for digital heritage, Workshop at 43rd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {},
    type = {extended abstract},
    pubstate = {unpublished},
    location = {Bamberg}
Simon Schiff, Felix Kuhr, Sylvia Melzer, and Ralf Möller,
AI-based Companion Services for Humanities, 2020.
Bibtex: BibTeX
    author = {Simon Schiff and Felix Kuhr and Sylvia Melzer and Ralf Möller},
    title = {AI-based Companion Services for Humanities},
    booktitle={AI methods for digital heritage, Workshop at 43rd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
    year = {2020},
    type = {extended abstract},
    pubstate = {unpublished},
    location = {Bamberg}
Mattis Hartwig, and Ralf Möller,
How to Encode Dynamic Gaussian Bayesian Networks as Gaussian Processes?, in {AI} 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 33rd Australasian Joint Conference, {AI} 2020 , 2020.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author={Mattis Hartwig and Ralf Möller},
  title={How to Encode Dynamic Gaussian Bayesian Networks as Gaussian Processes?},
  booktitle = {{AI} 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 33rd Australasian Joint Conference, {AI} 2020}},
  address = { Canberra, ACT, Australia, November 29-30, 2020},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
  volume    = {12576},
  pages     = {371--382},
  publisher = {Springer},
  doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64984-5_29}


Özgür Lütfü Özçep, Felix Kuhr, and Ralf Möller,
Influence-Based Independence, in Proceedings of the 32nd International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-19) , AAAI Press, 2019. pp. 26--31.
Datei: 18270
Bibtex: BibTeX
	Author = {Özgür Lütfü Özçep and Felix Kuhr and Ralf Möller },
	Title = {Influence-Based Independence},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-19)},
	Year = {2019}
  	pages = {26--31},
  	publisher = {AAAI Press},
  	url = {https://aaai.org/ocs/index.php/FLAIRS/FLAIRS19/paper/view/18270}


Alexander Motzek, Christina Geick, and Ralf Möller,
{Semantic Normalization and Merging of Business Dependency Models}, in CBI 2016: 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, Paris, France, August 29 - September 1 , IEEE, 2016. pp. 7--15.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author={Alexander Motzek and Christina Geick and Ralf Möller},
  title={{Semantic Normalization and Merging of Business Dependency Models}},
  booktitle={CBI 2016: 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, Paris, France, August 29 - September 1},