Fahrplanoptimierung durch Auswertung von Fahrgastflüssen
Timetable optimization through a Al-based solution for better predictability in the flow management of passenger transfers.
Sub-project: Scientific-technical basics as well as legal and data protection issues with subsequent real application in the station (universities).
Funded by: BMDV / TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH bzw. VDI/VDE
Runtime: 01.05.2023 - 30.09.2025
Project Coordinators: HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Stefan Fischer (University of Lübeck) & Prof. Dr. Ralf Möller (Hamburg University) & Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nele Rußwinkel (University of Lübeck), Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Landau
Research Associates: Edgar Baake (M.Sc., University of Lübeck) & Tobias Groth (M.Sc., University of Lübeck) & Maximilian Plitt (M.Sc., University of Lübeck) & Tim Schulz (M.Sc., University of Lübeck) & Björn Filter (M.Sc., University of Lübeck) & Thomas Sievers (Dipl. Ing., University of Lübeck)
The "Timetable Optimization Plus" project involves the measurement, prediction and control of passenger flows in railroad stations. It is a follow-up project to the Level5 indoornavigation project (L5IN) with the Hamburg universities HCU and TUHH, as well as the RPTU from the Palatinate. UzL's task is to create a data management system, a predictor model for passenger flows and a digital twin of a prototype train station.
Goals and Procedure
As part of a transfer model, the aim is for FPOplus to provide significant assistance, ultimately using AI-based data science approaches in combination with a highly innovative network technology mix to demonstrate how, in the medium to long term, an increasingly improved timetable optimization and targeted flow management can be achieved by rolling out such an approach across many stations.
Innovation and Prospects
As a side effect, conclusions can also be drawn for resource (deployment) management in rail and public transport. The project is therefore of national interest and, after the research and experimental phase, if successful, will allow for public benefit-oriented utilization as part of the mobility transition and the development of innovative network technology mixes.
Project Partners
Hafen City Universität Hamburg, Technische Hochschule Hamburg-Harburg, Universität zu Lübeck, Rheinland Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau