QC4DB: Accelerating Relational Database Management Systems via Quantum Computing
Funded by:
- 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024 / 30.06.2025
Project Coordinator:
Research Associates:
- Tobias Winker
- Umut Çalıkyılmaz
- Nitin Nayak
- Benjamin Warnke
Almost all applications in the digital world rely on fast approaches to data management. Relational database management systems (RDBMS), databases consisting of two-dimensional tables, are the most widespread type of database management system. Certain time-consuming tasks can be accelerated through the application of quantum computing, so lower latencies and faster execution promise a smooth experience for users.
Goals and Procedure
Two problems are examined in more detail in the project. On the one hand, the translation of RDBMS queries into expressions of relational algebra. Typically, there is a large number of equivalent expressions, from which the expression estimated to be optimal must be selected.
On the other hand, transactions are a fundamental concept of databases: A transaction is a sequence of operations in the form of read and write requests that are carried out by a single user or application program. Transaction schedule tuning determines the optimal order of parallel execution of transactions for best performance.
Innovation and Prospects
Both problems, the optimization of queries as well as transaction plans, can be reduced to the application of basic mathematical optimization approaches and accelerated by quantum computers. Classic routines are replaced by their quantum computing counterparts, which promise quadratic accelerations in many cases.
Project Partners
Link to Project Details at National Funding Body
- Second International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM 2024) in conjunction with VLDB in in Guangzhou, China (and hybrid), 29th August 2024, Workshop Chairs: Sven Groppe, Jiaheng Lu, Wolfgang Mauerer, Le Gruenwald
- International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM 2023) in conjunction with VLDB in Vancouver, Canada, 1. September 2023, Workshop Chairs: Sven Groppe, Jiaheng Lu, Wolfgang Mauerer, Le Gruenwald
- "Quantum Machine Learning", Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, 1-week International Faculty Development Program on "Quantum Computing" jointly organized by Graphic Era Deemed to be University and Graphic Era Hill University, 12.6.2023
- Keynote, "Quantum Data Management and Quantum Machine Learning for Data Management: State-of-the-Art and Open Challenges" (Folien: HTML, PDF), EAI ICISML 2022, Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, 17.12.2022
- Invited Talk, "QC4DB: Accelerating Relational Database Management Systems via Quantum Computing" (Folien: HTML, PDF), hqic Update und Networking, Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, 14.11.2022
- Poster: Beschleunigung von relationalen Datenbankmanagement- systemen durch Quantencomputer (PDF), 17. Akademischer Abend (01.11.2022) und Ausstellung Lübecker KI-Erlebnistage (02.11.2022) auf der Woche der KI in Lübeck, Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe, Tobias Winker, Umut Çalıkyılmaz
- Lecture in Summer School Quantum Computing and Its Applications (QCA'22) (online), Quantum Algorithms: Quantum Computing for Databases - Optimizing Transaction Schedules ( HTML , PDF , Video@YouTube ) , Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe , 28.7.2022
- Invited talk, "Ubiquitous Quantum Accelerators Based on NV-Centers in Diamond", Dr. Florian Preis (Quantum Brilliance GmbH) with host Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe 7.7.2022.
- Guest Lecture in University of Oklahoma (online), Quantum Annealing Versus Grover's Search: Optimizing Transaction Schedules ( HTML , PDF ) , Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe , April 25, 2022
- World Quantum Day (online, organized by DESY, RWTH Aachen, NIC, CAU Kiel, UHH, ZOQ and TUHH), Panel: Quantum Computing - Hardware, Methods and Algorithms ( HTML , PDF ), Poster: QC4DB: Accelerating Relational Database Management Systems via Quantum Computing ( HTML , PDF ), Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe , April 14, 2022
- Press Release, Quantum Accelerated Database Management: Quantum Brilliance supports BMBF-funded research project "QC4DB" (Quantum Brilliance), Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe , March 29, 2022
- Press release, "High acceleration of database queries with the quantum computer" (University of Lübeck), Prof. Dr. Sven Groppe , March 28, 2022
Hype or Heuristic? Quantum Reinforcement Learning for Join Order Optimisation, arXiv , vol. 2405.07770, 2024.
File: | arXiv.2405.07770 |
Quantum Join Ordering by Splitting the Search Space of QUBO Problems, Datenbank-Spektrum , vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 21-32, 2024.
File: | s13222-024-00468-3 |
ReJOOSp: Reinforcement Learning for Join Order Optimization in SPARQL, Big Data and Cognitive Computing (BDCC) , vol. 8, no. 7, 2024.
File: | bdcc8070071 |
Constructing Optimal Bushy Join Trees by Solving QUBO Problems on Quantum Hardware and Simulators, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE), Seattle, WA, USA , 2023.
File: | 3579142.3594298 |
Bibtex: | @inproceedings{Nayak2023QUBO_JOO, title = {Constructing Optimal Bushy Join Trees by Solving QUBO Problems on Quantum Hardware and Simulators}, author = {Nitin Nayak and Jan Rehfeld and Tobias Winker and Benjamin Warnke and Umut Çalıkyılmaz and Sven Groppe}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE), Seattle, WA, USA}, year = {2023}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3579142.3594298} } |
Index Tuning with Machine Learning on Quantum Computers for Large-Scale Database Applications, in Joint Proceedings of Workshops at the 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2023) - International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM'23), Vancouver, Canada , CEUR-WS.org, 2023.
File: | QDSM5.pdf |
Bibtex: | @inproceedings{Gruenwald2023IndexTuning, title = {Index Tuning with Machine Learning on Quantum Computers for Large-Scale Database Applications}, author = {Le Gruenwald and Tobias Winker and Umut Çalıkyılmaz and Jinghua Groppe and Sven Groppe}, booktitle = {Joint Proceedings of Workshops at the 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases ({VLDB} 2023) - International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM'23), Vancouver, Canada}, year = {2023}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3462/QDSM5.pdf} } |
Opportunities for Quantum Acceleration of Databases: Optimization of Queries and Transaction Schedules, Proc. VLDB Endow. , vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 2344--2353, 2023.
File: | 3598581.3598603 |
Bibtex: | @article{Calıkyilmaz2023QC_QO_TSO, title = {Opportunities for Quantum Acceleration of Databases: Optimization of Queries and Transaction Schedules}, author = {Umut Çalıkyılmaz and Sven Groppe and Jinghua Groppe and Tobias Winker and Stefan Prestel and Farida Shagieva and Daanish Arya and Florian Preis and Le Gruenwald}, journal = {Proc. {VLDB} Endow.}, volume = {16}, number = {9}, pages = {2344--2353}, year = {2023}, url = {https://doi.org/10.14778/3598581.3598603} } |
Preface {QDSM}, in Joint Proceedings of Workshops at the 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2023) - International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM'23), Vancouver, Canada , CEUR-WS.org, 2023.
File: | QDSM1.pdf |
Bibtex: | @inproceedings{Uotila2023QDSM, title = {Preface {QDSM}}, author = {Valter Uotila and Sven Groppe and Le Gruenwald and Jiaheng Lu and Wolfgang Mauerer}, booktitle = {Joint Proceedings of Workshops at the 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases ({VLDB} 2023) - International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM'23), Vancouver, Canada}, year = {2023}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3462/QDSM1.pdf} } |
Quantum Machine Learning for Join Order Optimization using Variational Quantum Circuits, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE), Seattle, WA, USA , 2023.
File: | 3579142.3594299 |
Bibtex: | @inproceedings{Winker2023QML_JOO, title = {Quantum Machine Learning for Join Order Optimization using Variational Quantum Circuits}, author = {Tobias Winker and Umut Çalıkyılmaz and Le Gruenwald and Sven Groppe}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE), Seattle, WA, USA}, year = {2023}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3579142.3594299} } |
Quantum Machine Learning: Foundation, New Techniques, and Opportunities for Database Research, in Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) , 2023.
File: | 3555041.3589404 |
Bibtex: | @inproceedings{SIGMOD23Tutorial, author = {Tobias Winker and Sven Groppe and Valter Uotila and Zhengtong Yan and Jiaheng Lu and Maja Franz and Wolfgang Mauerer}, title = {Quantum Machine Learning: Foundation, New Techniques, and Opportunities for Database Research}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD)}, location = {Seattle metropolitan area, Washington, USA}, year = {2023}, pages = {}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3555041.3589404} } |
Quantum Data Management and Quantum Machine Learning for Data Management: State-of-the-Art and Open Challenges, in Proceedings of the EAI International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning (EAI ICISML 2022) , 2022.
File: | 978-3-031-35081-8_20 |