Sina Scholz, M.Sc.

- Projektmitarbeiterin UTK -


Institut für Informationssysteme
Universität zu Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160 ( Gebäude 64 - 2.OG, Raum 64 )
D-23562 Lübeck

Telefon: +49 451 3101 5741
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[Translate to english:] Publikationen


  • Alexander Werk, Sina Scholz, Thomas Sievers, Nele Russwinkel: How to Provide a Dynamic Cognitive Person Model of a Human Collaboration Partner to a Pepper Robot
    to be published in: ICCM, 2024, Society for Mathematical Psychology
      author    = {Alexander Werk and Sina Scholz and Thomas Sievers and Nele Russwinkel},
      title     = {How to Provide a Dynamic Cognitive Person Model of a Human Collaboration Partner to a Pepper Robot},
      booktitle = {ICCM},
      year      = {2024},
      volume    = {},
      pages     = {},
      publisher = {Society for Mathematical Psychology},
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